15. September 2020 18:10
by Admin
Comets and the Electric Universe from Richplanet.net
What do you actually know about where the Earth is in the Universe and what should the attitude of the public be to space? It is something that virtually none of us have ever seen or ever interacted with, and yet it is where our planet sits, isn't it?
What should we be aware of and what are we told that may not be accurate? The science that is taken for granted on mainstream media may not be as correct as you might imagine, and there may be reasons for the inaccuracies that might surprise you.
Richard Hall and Andrew Johnson take us through an excellent explanation of our solar system and what has been discovered that does not seem to fit in with the view we are being sold.
The law of energy conservation twinned with Einstein's Relativity leave us with two rather depressing concepts:
Energy will always cost you money
You will never travel to another solar system
Is this the truth? Is Relativity as accurate picture as all that and is it possible that the universe is actually a lot simpler in nature than we've been led to believe. Relativity, although mind boggling in it's genius, is also mind boggling in it's ability to slow progress in any given field of research. There is no question that since 1916 the minds of scientists seem to be preoccupied with conceiving the idea of Relativity rather than achieving anything with it. Is it possible that the gravitational ideas put forward by Einstein cloud by intention? What are the other possibilities concerning the creation of the Universe? The Big Bang is a theory very thinly based on simple background radiation levels and a lot of assumption. Is the key to free energy right in front of us?
What are comets made of? If it is not ice, as NASA's probes seem to indicate then why do they stick to a theory that has no basis in discovery? If it conflicts with evidence or experiment then shouldn't it be discarded? Why does modern science seem to stick to these ideas no matter what is uncovered? Is the modern scientific world too set in it's ways and too afraid of disgrace? Is it being manipulated by other forces? Who really decides what goes on the front page of New Scientist anymore?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3