The basis of 'Hello Fresh' is no different to many such food delivery companies already working within the UK. This one in particular originates in Germany, from the Rocket Internet start-up company in Berlin.
One of their major selling points is the ease of use of the website and an App to stay up-to-date with your orders, and skip weeks if you wish. This is the sort of advantage partnering with a big start-up company brings - you get the experience of great social networking and good website design in on the deal to help give you a leg-up against the competition!

The meals arrive in a rather large cardboard box, and in my case there were three meals each for two people within. Each meal takes between 30-50 minutes to organise once you have unpacked and readied yourself and the packaging and the quality of ingredients really is excellent!

The box comes with recipe cards and a set of bags, each containing the required ingredients for each meal for two. The instructions are pleasantly written and clear (even if I have not quite figured out how to identify each bag yet) but are sometimes a little too focused on each step. Quite often you will be told to turn up the grill to the top setting, only to set off the fire alarm before you have understood when you are going to start using it. The recipes explain some parts in unecessary detail without readying you for the next stage which can hold things up. The packers also have a tendency to hole punch through the list of ingredients at the top of the page, and so you can misunderstand how much water you should be using or what you need to have ready in advance.
There is also a need to have a dishwasher at the ready pretty much every night - the preparation is not far off of throwing a dinner party, and if you work very hard and very late like I do, then you can certainly be wondering if you are going to finish too late to eat.

When you have finished your recipie though, you will not be disappointed. The food is excellent and creative as well as being exciting to cook, and the dishes are always different enough to surpise rather than be what you would have (at least in my case) managed to decide upon in your lunch break.
All in all I would say that if you manage your subscription sensibly, then Hello Fresh is an excellent choice. If you are using it three nights a week each week, then you are very quickly going to find yourself hard to please in even expensive restaurants, so my advice is every other week at most.
The cost is a relevant factor also. Coming in at around £13.00 per meal per night between two, it is great value and worth considering as a real cost saving option if you both work. If you can face all of the recycling and the recipe step-following and the dishwashing then it is a far superior alternative to traipsing round the supermarket with an app telling you what to buy!
So in conclusion?
If you love cooking with the freshest ingredients and enjoy cooking for you friends then you need to try this service as the freshness really does open your senses! Try it for a week or even a one off and then you can see how, or if it fits into your lifestyle after that...
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