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6. July 2018 13:41
by Admin

Pioneer GTme trainers wanted in the UK

6. July 2018 13:41 by Admin | 0 Comments

Pioneer GTme trainers wanted in the UK - are you passionate about the fitness industry and fighting obesity/lethargy in your locality?

We believe that many people want to feel better and healthier all over the UK, and want to encourage them to sign-up for local training sessions.

GTme is an app for connecting local people with their nearest group fitness or personal training sessions and is designed to lower the costs of having a personal trainer by encouraging the trainer to hold classes for groups rather than individuals.

If you think you could be inspired and excited by holding group training sessions in your area then we would love to hear from you.
Contact us at [email protected] or on 0344 264 2217 in the UK.

It is like Uber for finding group exercise sessions on your phone. It keeps track of who is attending your classes, takes payment and keeps you up-to-date with your attendees. You can see more at or PM me for a chat.

GTme is a marketing app for your classes which broadcasts sessions to the phones of prospective customers in your local area. We are currently marketing our app in your area and are looking for trainers to post sessions on the app. Have a look at 

Would you be interested in exploring new ways of attracting more clients and customers for your fitness business? Have a look at this really short video of GTme: 

Dedicated to the fitness industry and going live in your area now!

We would love to feature your exercise, health or well-being benefits as part of the local fitness landscape. It costs nothing to post your availability on GTme so why not have a look at our very short video? 

Are you looking at new ways to advertise and organise venues, classes and staff. GTme is a tool for publicising and organising fitness and group exercise classes and tracking attendance etc. We would love to see if we can improve efficiency.

27. October 2017 09:07
by Admin

Advertising your Personal Trainer Business with GTme

27. October 2017 09:07 by Admin | 0 Comments

Advertising your Personal Trainer Business with GTme

On GTme you publish your training classes or studio sessions online and then customers sign up from their phone...


GTme is an application for the fitness professional. The app allows the PT to organise customers into classes consisting of various sizes and for many different activities, with different associated prices and of differing duration. The app allows the trainer to create and place an activity on a local map which then allows customers to sign-up to that class by paying the required fee. As customers sign-up, the trainer is notified, so that the class attendance is known and the trainer then proceeds to instruct the class with confidence, knowing that all of the bills are settled in advance, and that everyone attending has a map to guide them to the exact spot where the class is being held.

GTme is a very simple application to use and either as an instructor or a trainee you should find no problem in navigating around the various functions.

The first task to carry out after downloading is to create your username and logon details:

GTme App Front Page GTme Register as a Trainer

Click the Register button to get your registration underway.

Select whether you are registering as a trainer or customer (trainer in this case) and then fill in your personal details to continue. Use your details from Facebook if you wish by clicking the Facebook button.

Please stick to using your real name rather than any nicknames as this will speed up the registration process and help make sure that no payments are delayed.

GTme - Trainer enters personal details GTme - Personal Trainer further details   

Make sure you use the correct mobile number in order to receive your activation text so that you can be successfully validated as a user or trainer and then proceed to the trainer details page.

We recommend adding as much data as you can in order to have your application processed quickly and to be sure that you include your qualifications and experience as these can be the sticking points with new applications.

 GTme Personal Trainer Details Entered Successfully Confirmation Page  

Once you have completed the form, you will receive a message that your application has been submitted and that you will be notified by email when the account is active. 

Trainer applications do have to be ratified by a professional trainer so please be patient while we process your application.

Once you have received your confirmation email and successfully gained access as a trainer, you can begin to form your training session catalogue.


 GTme - Trainer My Groups View

GTme - Create New Group Page 1/2



GTme allows you to build up your group training portfolio before choosing when the classes will actually be held, so you can get your skill sets organised prior to advertising any classes allowing you to shift various types of classes around according to popularity. 

The first screen that you see after logging in as a trainer is the scheduling screen. This screen shows all currently active classes and when they are occurring over the coming weeks. 

You can browse back and forth between weeks by using the arrows either side of the date indicating which week you are currently viewing. 

We are going to start by adding an activity type, which we do by tapping the ‘+’ sign in the very top right of the scheduling screen. We are then presented with the create new group screen. 

The first option is to choose whether the training session is indoor or outdoor

 GTme - Create New Groups Page 1/2 Details

GTme - Create New Groups Page 2/2




Next we use the drop-down box to choose which category of training we are organising. This is a broad-stroke description and you should choose whichever best suits your session, such as stretching, weight-loss cardio etc. 

You then choose the group numbers which may or not dictate the cost, depending on your trainer classification (if you are working for a larger group for instance) and then name your activity so that registrants have a clear idea what they are signing up for.

The activity also requires you to describe the equipment needed and the equipment provided so that everyone knows what to bring and what not to. 

The next screen is the location screen. The location automatically locates your devices current map position and centers the map there accordingly. You can then either manually move the map or tap ion the text location at the top so that you can enter a postcode or address to center the map elsewhere.

 GTme - Create New Groups Page 2/2 Confirm Scheduling  GTme - Group Scheduling Empty Page   

The locations can be entered manually using various different address features allowing you to choose any venue, outdoors or indoors, for your activity so that you can host any type of activity you wish. 

Once you have confirmed all of the details for the training class you will be asked if you wish to schedule the first session. In this example, we will say yes to schedule so that we can demonstrate the process.

 GTme - Group Scheduling Select Time

GTme - Repeat Training Dialogue


Select which date for the training first. The screen shows a week at a time and you browse back and forth through the various weeks by using the arrow heads either side of the current week date range which is situated above the weekday abbreviations on the scheduling screen. 

Once we have selected the correct date range for the week in which we wish to place the training session then we click the ‘+’ sign below the appropriate day.

We are then asked to select the time for the training group to begin. 

Once you have scrolled down to the desired time, confirm the selection by tapping the tick on the right hand top corner on the time selection panel.

 GTme - Select Repetition of Class  GTme - Group Scheduling Class Added   The next screen allows you to choose if the slot/class is a regular class or if it is simply a one-off. 

The repeating section allow you to choose up to 5 times in advance that the session will be repeated in that slot over the next few weeks. 

Now fill in the number of times the class will have sessions repeated in that slot in each of the selected number of weeks

Once you have selected the number of times the weekly session will be repeated, tap the tick in the top right-hand corner of the repeating session selection panel to continue.

 GTme - Group Scheduling Class Confirmed    

Now you can tap set to continue on to the schedule screen where you can the new session in your current portfolio. If you are content with how this fits into the timetable, then you can click save whereupon the icon will change colour, indicating that the session has been confirmed fits suitably into the timetable.

See more about personal trainer marketing at


27. April 2017 21:08
by Admin

How do I find motivation to exercise and lose weight?

27. April 2017 21:08 by Admin | 0 Comments

In a world saturated with information and drenched in excess, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us all to manage our desires effectively. Obesity is on the rise and has been for decades and the need to be motivated to exercise has become a real concern for society at large. We all need a personal trainer, it seems, to help us get into a better groove where we can begin to lose weight and eat healthily, but how do we find someone who is available and affordable in our daily modern lives?

Well it is just possible that there is a simple answer on the horizon. A new app releasing next month may well hold the key. Instead of telling us what to eat and how much exercise to do, this app is not a personal trainer in its own right, but rather a tracker to find your closest personal trainer or group training session. The concept is simple enough, it acts like any other mapping software, only it show where training classes are being held over the next few weeks, so you can sign up, reserve your place, and pay up front so there is not getting out of it if you don't feel like being active on the day. In short, it is an instant, easy step in the right direction.

There are no sign up fees and no contracts to this solution, and no obligation to go back to a trainer or class you don't like. There is also the chance to choose a trainer based on ratings and reviews, rather than go along blind, so you have a good chance of picking the class that's right for you. The fact that the app allows a trainer to amass a class in advance and train multiple people at the same time saves on cost for the trainees as larger classes means less cost per trainee, and also means that the new members can slip in at he back and still enjoy a great workout class with out having to be the centre of attention. The app can save money for the trainer too as a cancellation for single or group training can be posted online and be filled at a lower price to ensure that the trainer doesn't wind up hanging around at the gym between sessions. 

Sound pretty good?

Well then let me introduce GTME - the new app for personal trainers and trainees that connects everyone together in personal and group training and allows you to review and comment on sessions and become part of a wider, global community as well as enjoying a happier, healthier life.

You can find out more at and download the app for Andriod and IOS devices.

6. April 2017 14:37
by Admin

Thanks to Thomas Cook for sharing real complaints by holiday makers...

6. April 2017 14:37 by Admin | 0 Comments

1. “On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food.”

2. “They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.”

3. “We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.”

4. “We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.”

5. “The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our room.”

6. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as white but it was more yellow.”

7. “It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers in Puerto Vallartato to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time — this should be banned.”

8. “No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.”

9. “Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.”

10. “I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local convenience store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts.”

11. “The roads were uneven and bumpy, so we could not read the local guide book during the bus ride to the resort. Because of this, we were unaware of many things that would have made our holiday more fun.”

12. “It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans only three hours to get home. This seems unfair.”

13. “I compared the size of our one-bedroom suite to our friends’ three-bedroom and ours was significantly smaller.”

14. “The brochure stated: ‘No hairdressers at the resort.’ We’re trainee hairdressers and we think they knew and made us wait longer for service.”

15. “When we were in Spain, there were too many Spanish people there. The receptionist spoke Spanish, the food was Spanish. No one told us that there would be so many foreigners.”

16. “We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no air-conditioning.”

17. “It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.”

18. “I was bitten by a mosquito. The brochure did not mention mosquitoes.”

19. “My fiancée and I requested twin-beds when we booked, but instead we were placed in a room with a king bed. We now hold you responsible and want to be re-reimbursed for the fact that I became pregnant. This would not have happened if you had put us in the room that we booked.”

20. A friend of mine worked on reception at a London hotel and got a call from an American lady who said she couldn't get out of her room, she was asked why? And replied because there are only 2 doors, one is the bathroom and the other has a do not disturb sign on!!!!

13. March 2017 12:50
by Admin

Well hello 'Hello Fresh!'

13. March 2017 12:50 by Admin | 0 Comments

The basis of 'Hello Fresh' is no different to many such food delivery companies already working within the UK. This one in particular originates in Germany, from the Rocket Internet start-up company in Berlin.

One of their major selling points is the ease of use of the website and an App to stay up-to-date with your orders, and skip weeks if you wish. This is the sort of advantage partnering with a big start-up company brings - you get the experience of great social networking and good website design in on the deal to help give you a leg-up against the competition!

The meals arrive in a rather large cardboard box, and in my case there were three meals each for two people within. Each meal takes between 30-50 minutes to organise once you have unpacked and readied yourself and the packaging and the quality of ingredients really is excellent!

The box comes with recipe cards and a set of bags, each containing the required ingredients for each meal for two. The instructions are pleasantly written and clear (even if I have not quite figured out how to identify each bag yet) but are sometimes a little too focused on each step. Quite often you will be told to turn up the grill to the top setting, only to set off the fire alarm before you have understood when you are going to start using it. The recipes explain some parts in unecessary detail without readying you for the next stage which can hold things up. The packers also have a tendency to hole punch through the list of ingredients at the top of the page, and so you can misunderstand how much water you should be using or what you need to have ready in advance.

There is also a need to have a dishwasher at the ready pretty much every night - the preparation is not far off of throwing a dinner party, and if you work very hard and very late like I do, then you can certainly be wondering if you are going to finish too late to eat.

When you have finished your recipie though, you will not be disappointed. The food is excellent and creative as well as being exciting to cook, and the dishes are always different enough to surpise rather than be what you would have (at least in my case) managed to decide upon in your lunch break.

All in all I would say that if you manage your subscription sensibly, then Hello Fresh is an excellent choice. If you are using it three nights a week each week, then you are very quickly going to find yourself hard to please in even expensive restaurants, so my advice is every other week at most.

The cost is a relevant factor also. Coming in at around £13.00 per meal per night between two, it is great value and worth considering as a real cost saving option if you both work. If you can face all of the recycling and the recipe step-following and the dishwashing then it is a far superior alternative to traipsing round the supermarket with an app telling you what to buy!

So in conclusion?

If you love cooking with the freshest ingredients and enjoy cooking for you friends then you need to try this service as the freshness really does open your senses! Try it for a week or even a one off and then you can see how, or if it fits into your lifestyle after that...

Get a redusction on your opening subscription boxes using this link:

Hello Goodbye!

25. January 2017 06:32
by Admin

Majority of Britons disagree with Supreme Court ruling on Article 50

25. January 2017 06:32 by Admin | 1 Comments

Well as we all know the majority of Britions (whatever the hell they are) allegedly disagree with Theresa May having to consult Parliament but who cares what they think - they cannot be trusted, just look at what they watch on the TV:

Britains Got talent - well they'll have to rename this to 'another pisspot country that has more important things to worry about but doesn't seem to have noticed got talent'

Eastenders - these people are so depressed no wonder they want to live in a miserable, cold, grey S**thole

Coronation street - see above

These people cannot be trusted and should not be making decisions that effect people who don't eat r-tard pills for breakfast

Of course its possible that all of this article 50 nonsense is just to stop us noticing that Britain and America are warming up for an invasion of Egypt or Sudan or something....


8. January 2017 09:57
by Admin

A new rural U.K. food revolution?

8. January 2017 09:57 by Admin | 0 Comments

Sourced from:

Government-backed Food Enterprise Zones (FEZ) are aimed at creating more than 10,000 new jobs, as well as supporting tourism and injecting investment into rural communities across the country.

A new initiative to create more than 10,000 new jobs is set to be added to the UK’s growing food and farming industry as a network of new food hubs takes shape across England with building work expected to begin early next year, Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss announced today.

The 17 government-backed Food Enterprise Zones (FEZs), stretch from Cumbria to Cornwall, and will help drive tourism, attract investment and add millions to our growing rural economy.

Championing celebrated British foods, including the Melton Mowbray pork pie, stilton cheese and Norfolk pork, the hubs have been awarded a share of £830,000 funding to help fast-track the expansion of food and farming businesses in the regions.

Speaking at the first meeting of all 17 FEZs, Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss said:

Our food and farming industry is an economic powerhouse, now worth more than £100 billion a year and employing one in eight people.

We want to build on that so food and farming becomes a top destination for high-flying graduates, is as prestigious as medicine, as fun and stimulating as the gaming industry and as cutting-edge as London’s Tech City.

Food Enterprise Zones will unleash food entrepreneurs, bringing together researchers, farmers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers so they can improve productivity and spark new ideas off each other all the way along the supply chain from farm to fork, from lab to lunch.

Plans for FEZs are well underway, including a new Artisanal Food Village in Cornwall, an agri-food park near Malton in North Yorkshire, and a cluster of local artisan food producers around the River Orwell in Suffolk.

In East Anglia three FEZs alone are set to create thousands of new jobs through expanding existing food businesses and developing new ones. These include Jimmy’s Farm, which will be part of the new Orwell Food Cluster in Babergh, along with the Suffolk Food Hall and the East of England Co-operative Society.

Fionagh and Richard Harding of Norton Barton Farm, one of the businesses set to benefit from a new Food Enterprise Zone in Cornwall, said:

“We are thrilled to have been chosen for a Food Enterprise Zone; it’s particularly good news for Bude and North Cornwall where employment is focused around tourism and agriculture. We hope that we will be able to encourage new entrants into the food industry.”

By making it easier for businesses to grow and bringing different parts of the food supply chain together, FEZs will ensure greater collaboration between rural businesses, kick-start local food economies and help people develop new skills.

Food and farming is the biggest manufacturing sector in Britain, worth more than cars and aerospace combined. In 2013 entrepreneurs set up 30,000 new food and drink businesses generating thousands of jobs in the sector, and the industry’s continual innovation is bringing 16,000 new products to the market each year—more than France and Germany combined and second only to the US.

Exports of UK food and drink are also booming with almost £19 billion worth shipped to 214 countries and territories around the world. Since 2010 the UK government has opened more than 600 new international markets supporting more businesses to sell their produce abroad.

At we love this idea and congratulate everyone involved, although £830k does seem a rather paltry amount of funding to be dividing up shares of...

17. December 2016 17:08
by Admin

Our new goals post Brexit

17. December 2016 17:08 by Admin | 0 Comments

As it would appear that the MPs are not going to extricate us from this mess, we shoud all be fo using on how to live outside of poverty in the coming years. If it is true that the City of London will lose many of the big banks and that a large proportion of the rich will leave as a result, then what will we be facing in the near future? Will England become more like Portugal say, or Hungary, where most young people want to work overseas? Well the truth is that they will not easily be able to. A year in Australia or New Zealand will still be possible but only if no laws are changed when the Aussies begin to experience a massive influx of Brits. Trade will undoubtedly be more difficult all round as nowhere that we can cheaply trade with will be interested in our new highly taxable products and services. Ecommerce and banking services will be hit hardest as the banks will leave and ecommerce will not be able to compete with domestic prices in the EU, and the Yanks already own the market here. The future looks disastrous for anyone exporting anything except high-value, trusted brands like Aston Martin, Harrods & Land Rover. So how do we prepare for all of this? The people in power don't seem to understand or care what this means, and why would they? They've got it made no matter what happens; we're the ones who are about to experience a massive change in our place in the world. 

But is it all doom and gloom? Well perhaps not. There are definitely sides to Britain that will always be Worth something in this world. Although we will have to let Scotland go soon and then perhaps Northern Ireland and Wales, we will still have our musical heritage from the last 60 years and still have a certain way of communicating with countries that speak English as a first language. We will still have our comedy which is unlike any other. We will still have our schools, colleges and universities, that have an unequalled reputation across the world. So it sounds like more of our strengths will be in importing people and improving them, as well as improving people all over the world with our music and culture.

we also export things that the EU will refuse to do without, football for instance, which will not stop being shown across the EU and which we can still take pride in, as long as we can continue to afford the players.

But the price of food has to rise as there are so many of us now, and so does the price of energy. Daily living is going to become a lot more expensive as the rich and their taxes evaporate gradually over the next three years. That means the population will begin to decrease amongst the rich and increase amongst the poor as poverty begins to drive up reproduction and increase th load on he NHS. This will be a huge period of austerity and the people who will suffer most are the very ones who vote us out. We will need to stand together as a country but unfortunately, in this internet, jet-powered world, many of the best people will just up and leave.

So what are the implications upon our cost of living and quality of life? Surely costs will go down and quality of life will increase. There will be less and less point to live near London and so prices will begin to even out across the country which will be a blessed relief. Those of us in Cornwall will be paying for their quality of life and those us near London will be reclaim wealth based upon their lack of it. Well I like the sound of that for one - the current situation is a bit unfair as regardless of how out of work you are, the quality of life should count for something.