Good Advice on the Space Programme Dilemma

Good Advice on the Space Programme Dilemma


My advice is to pay some attention to Mr. Hall in regard of the space programme question.

Whether you are an advocate of NASA and ESA or if you do think it is important to question, this is a good piece of advice on the space programme.

Although there does seem to be a giant German hovering about behind STS-8 whilst deploying a satellite, Richard's opinions on the validity of Space exploration do resonate, as his sobriety and courage as an investigator shine through. Although there are definitely potential reasons to question ISS (question rather than just doubt) he makes a good point that the ISS is verifiable in terms of observable objects in space and that if the footage is in anyway faked (or made to tempt us believe that it is faked) then there are still may reasons to believe that most of the space exploration we see is real.

RichPlanet Space: The Final Frontier

Recycling - the Council's Latest Waste of Space???

Recycling - the Council's Latest Waste of Space???


Now that China has ended the period of importing waste that the world has enjoyed for so long in lieu of being supplied with oil and steel, are we at a point where the use of plastic has to just stop? No more mineral water unless in glass. No more juice unless in cardboard. Can landfill continue to be the only real solution when most of the waste will not dissolve for hundreds of years? What does your heart tell you?

China no longer relies on the Western World, so what will happen to all of our junk?

you may not realise this, but many countries just import junk and garbage into residential areas, and millions of people wind up surrounded by our rubbish.

Everything you throw away is far more damaging than everything you buy. Just imagine if you lived in a room with all of the rotting junk you've every thrown into the bin. This is what is happening to people worldwide, every day.

We must either learn to make use of our rubbish, or to not allow it to be manufactured in the first place. The Oil Barony encourage the use of plastic like there's no tomorrow (quite literally) and this myth that only plastic will do must be stopped. If we can revert to cardboard and glass, then we can substantially reduce the damage we are causing to our world, and to our children. The recycling of bottles must be brought back to them being sanitised rather than recycled, to reduce waste and energy use. Paper and card must not be waxed or oiled so as to be re-mulchable. Our lives depend on this, and the people in charge are obviously insane.

Steps have to be taken today or tomorrow will be a war fought on a junk pile.


Weight Of the world on your body

Weight Of the world on your body

1 atmosphere is 101325 pa of pressure (14.696 psi)

the average person has around 1.7 m^2 of body surface area.

1 pa = 1N / m^2 => 101325 pa = 101325 N/m^2 = 10332 Kg/m^2 => 17565 Kg per person in mass of air pressure being exerted on them.

Good job we’re full of it then!

Are the Martian Rovers Actually on Mars?

Are the Martian Rovers Actually on Mars?

Could they be on Devon Island on Earth?

Much compelling evidence (apart from how guileless the NASA staff operating the rover can appear) is presented by and concerning the hypothesis that the Martian Rovers have never left the Earth and are just being driven around Northern Canada...

For me the question of how it slows down in the Martian atmosphere to land is a confusing one. The parachute seems to be inadequate in an environment where air pressure is 0.6% of Earth's. Even at 21600 Km/h the parachute is only passing as much gas as you would at 130 Km/h on Earth, which makes me think you would not slow below 3000 Km/h during the parachute deploy, which on Earth would correspond to around 18 Km/h in terms of air molecules passed per unit time.

What is the matter with this man?

What is the matter with this man?


Ed Miliband appears to be suffering from some sort of mental illness in this clip. This is what could only ever be referred to as a 'puff piece' as the journalist at not point mentions that he simply repeats the same words again and again. The fear this man appears to be operating under for his idiocy to go unnoticed is actually quite distressing to watch. The only other possibility is that he has been hypnotised prior to the interview. He doesn't listen, he doesn't think, he simply awaits a break in the conversation so that he may repeat himself once more.

The Language That Everyone Speaks

The Language That Everyone Speaks

There are some truly fascinating ideas brought together in this video, if you ignore the preoccupation he has with ‘sound’ even though he begins the video claiming sound is not universal. A most valuable premise is that he realises conception lies within a language that we all speak - the language of cognition, which sustains our model of the universe.


This is way beyond language, this is a pronouncement of another cognitive system that transcends matter. The movement of rice on a drum is just this system intruding into the dream we have blinded ourselves with using language and reason.

This is a venture into dream state, and one that we need to start making regularly until we need no longer return here.

Adam didn’t name the animals, he conceived them, and so they were thus. Conception is creation - the words tell us so. We conceive a child, and it is so. We conceive ourselves. Perception is something far more under our control than we are currently at terms with. The action of speaking the language of creation creates our world, and it is not simply paleo Hebrew, it is a language before sound, before ears and before reason. It is the language/frequency/mechanism, of our awareness, perception and reality. It is the language of existence.

Now Dave Murphy goes on to say that each of the letters has meaning and that the symbols are based upon various different pictorial elements, such as Ah being the Ox. Now the issue here is that the most powerful animal when humans were first created was most definitely not the Ox, unless what this is describing is when the Hebrews encountered beings from Atlantis and considered them gods, which would have been around 6000 BC. But these people are unlikely to have spoken the language of creation as they were busy teaching schools and armies and writing etc. at Göbekli Tepe which is a long way after the human race had been created, unless of course the beings at Göbekli Tepe were not human and created us using language, and made the creatures around us as domesticated before leaving Earth. I prefer the idea that Adam was around far earlier though, as was Paleo Hebrew, but as far as I know, Graham Hancock and pals are yet to suggest a language that the Atlantians spoke. The important part for me is that, even now, we spell words and conceive children, as well as speaking our minds. Language is definitely the building blocks of our universe (uni - single, verse - word or phrase.) which I am starting to suspect are actually words themselves. Words do not just enforce ourworld view, they create it. Let us move on to a more officially recognised fellow discussing this.

But as Noam Chomsky says, language is a system of thought, for arranging, interpreting and organising thought, and that was what is was designed for. The language bestowed upon the world by the inhabitants of the tower of babel was designed to divide the human race and make it struggle to communicate with each other. Before the tower of babel descended it's people to Earth to redesign our language, the World spoke but one language, and peace was enjoyed across all the peoples and races.

As we progress, we are urged to listen to Barack Obama saying 'Yes we can' and once again in reverse. Now I did try this on my Mac with Wavelab as the reverse M4a tool and it does sound rather the same. It actually sounds like 'Mac you say' which is kind of ironic. I have tested a few of his speeches and am yet to be convinced that he is a bad person. I have heard him say 'The Elite, they're all horrible' in one of his speeches, but he does not seem to be a bringer of misery, just a cog in a bigger wheel. George W Bush unfortunately makes no sense whether I play his speeches forwards or backwards. I will have a look at some of Trump's speeches this week though.

Now to Terrence McKenna, who speaks of a simple truth that Carlos Casteneda delved into deeply. That words are a construct to cease investigation of the world around us. That they are a replacement for rich experience of our world and consist of simple symbolism that collapses an unrepeatable experience into a single, repeatable sound that is entirely symbolic and neither synthesizes, nor represents anything to do with real experience or memory. English literally hijacks our experience and memory of the world and reduced it to that of a computer, recalling arrays of symbols as replacement of life.

Now we are with Jill Bolte Taylor who suffered from a stroke and lost communication with the left hand side of her brain and her brain chatter that she described as the part of her consciousness that 'attaches her to her daily world' which is a description that I particularly enjoy. So here we are, that we exist in the astral plane with a connection to the daily world only through our language and consciousness.

And now we reach the ability that animals have to generate images with the sounds that they make. That a dolphin can generate an image of who it is addressing simply by the sounds that it makes. That babies are speaking a language to us immediately from birth, and that we are not listening in the language that they understand. A young daughter is compared to an Arabic woman in terms of speech and there definitely similarities.

Is this funny?

Is this funny?

We never like to upset anyone, but surely this joke is worth the risk..?