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Let's find the people & thinking to help us succeed post EU!

17. December 2016 17:08
by Admin

Our new goals post Brexit

17. December 2016 17:08 by Admin | 0 Comments

As it would appear that the MPs are not going to extricate us from this mess, we shoud all be fo using on how to live outside of poverty in the coming years. If it is true that the City of London will lose many of the big banks and that a large proportion of the rich will leave as a result, then what will we be facing in the near future? Will England become more like Portugal say, or Hungary, where most young people want to work overseas? Well the truth is that they will not easily be able to. A year in Australia or New Zealand will still be possible but only if no laws are changed when the Aussies begin to experience a massive influx of Brits. Trade will undoubtedly be more difficult all round as nowhere that we can cheaply trade with will be interested in our new highly taxable products and services. Ecommerce and banking services will be hit hardest as the banks will leave and ecommerce will not be able to compete with domestic prices in the EU, and the Yanks already own the market here. The future looks disastrous for anyone exporting anything except high-value, trusted brands like Aston Martin, Harrods & Land Rover. So how do we prepare for all of this? The people in power don't seem to understand or care what this means, and why would they? They've got it made no matter what happens; we're the ones who are about to experience a massive change in our place in the world. 

But is it all doom and gloom? Well perhaps not. There are definitely sides to Britain that will always be Worth something in this world. Although we will have to let Scotland go soon and then perhaps Northern Ireland and Wales, we will still have our musical heritage from the last 60 years and still have a certain way of communicating with countries that speak English as a first language. We will still have our comedy which is unlike any other. We will still have our schools, colleges and universities, that have an unequalled reputation across the world. So it sounds like more of our strengths will be in importing people and improving them, as well as improving people all over the world with our music and culture.

we also export things that the EU will refuse to do without, football for instance, which will not stop being shown across the EU and which we can still take pride in, as long as we can continue to afford the players.

But the price of food has to rise as there are so many of us now, and so does the price of energy. Daily living is going to become a lot more expensive as the rich and their taxes evaporate gradually over the next three years. That means the population will begin to decrease amongst the rich and increase amongst the poor as poverty begins to drive up reproduction and increase th load on he NHS. This will be a huge period of austerity and the people who will suffer most are the very ones who vote us out. We will need to stand together as a country but unfortunately, in this internet, jet-powered world, many of the best people will just up and leave.

So what are the implications upon our cost of living and quality of life? Surely costs will go down and quality of life will increase. There will be less and less point to live near London and so prices will begin to even out across the country which will be a blessed relief. Those of us in Cornwall will be paying for their quality of life and those us near London will be reclaim wealth based upon their lack of it. Well I like the sound of that for one - the current situation is a bit unfair as regardless of how out of work you are, the quality of life should count for something.


9. November 2016 08:27
by Admin

The French Revolution

9. November 2016 08:27 by Admin | 4 Comments

Well here we are. The French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and friends are all glad to see the back of us and we understand, after all the Polish prime minister has a right to be upset - she has just lost a fifth of the people over whom she used to have power. So what action can we take? Well there is inciting toward marching on the streets and preventing parliament voting to overthrow the Brexit vote (which at 51.5% is not actually any kind of result anyway) just as if we are in the middle of our own French revolution. Well perhaps that is an idea. If we all march into France and have a quick revolution to get it out of our system then we can come back afterwards and get on with being British.

26. August 2016 22:22
by Admin

Following the example of the Olympians...

26. August 2016 22:22 by Admin | 4 Comments

Well we couldn't have asked for much more from the Olympics as far as the UK is concerned. Every athlete from the UK made a Herculean effort, which was fitting considering the setting, and all over the UK we felt proud and happy.

It is this level of comittment I see in business too. Although we always lose a lot of our talent to other countries around the world - Australia and New Zealand especially - we do manage to retain a lot of good people as well and this is partly due to the international relationships we maintain with countries like China, the US, Canada and Australia. If we can keep our spirits up (which is our biggest failing as a nation) and enjoy our time at work then we can make ourselves more effective. Our office environments often lack discipline and as a resul, under perform, but as each action becomes more and more vital in the face of adversity (our new standalone role) then we will find ourselves becoming more capable and more driven.

4. July 2016 18:35
by Admin

They think it's all over....

4. July 2016 18:35 by Admin | 4 Comments

I want to make a request right at the start of all of this. I want this to be done properly. I want us to actually realise that our backs are against the wall and stop messing about. This isn't a game. If we do not realise that every day we write the story of our own lives, then we are wasting everything that anyone who has ever died for England has given us. Now is our time to win. Now is our time to look up to the skies, not down at our feet. We may have been divided by the politicians. We may have been divided by the have and have nots. But we are all still English, and if we cannot unite because we no longer have anything in common between North and South, East and West, rich or poor, then we have already lost.

I am on a quest. A quest that I have begun by deciding to begin. A quest that will take me to very corner of the England. A quest that I am excited about to the extent that I cannot sleep, that I cannot wait, that I cannot sit still. A quest to discover the best that England has to give. And I don't mean to the world, I mean to us, the English!

All I ask is that you stop all of the sarcasm, all of the negativity, all of the nonsense. Just take a moment to sense the feeling around us all at the moment in our country. We are not scared through to the bone. We are not scared stiff. We are a little scared of the uncertainty, and this is my favourite recipe for excitement.

I am mounting a campaign to discover the best that we have to offer for our own improvement. To get ourselves fit to fight the battle that awaits us. We must unite against those who would divide us for personal gain, for money, for profit or from simple selfishness. Our future lies together as a country that we are proud of and that lives for generosity, good nature and happiness.

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